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I Quick start with OT2 :

  • Download and setup
    • Download the setup program. At this time, it is "OT2-win-1.0.1-setup.exe" . Later on, the name will be similar. When the download is finished, create a folder to store you collection data. Let call it "collection".
    • Double click on the downloaded file and answer the differents questions. After the installer is finished, allow OT2 to be started.
    • When OT2 starts, the configuration wizard will pop up an you will get a first pane with some explanations .
      Click on "next" and fill the first two fields namely the name of the database file and the folder in which the data will be stored (choose the "collection" folder you have just created).
      The last one is optionnal, it is useful to open a picture referenced in the collection directlyin a image editing program (photoshop, photofiltre, paint and so one), for , say , make, a virtual. Press the "Choose..." button to choose your favorite program.
      Click on "next". You should have a third pane which inform you that everything went well along. Click on finish. There should be a already atree in the database, called test.

  • Adding or modifiying a tree
    • To add a tree, click on the "Add a tree". A dialog will be displayed. To validate this dialog, you must at least give it a name and specify its species. 
      There is quite a few species already inserted in the  database so you should find the one you need. If not, choose another species. We'll see a little further how to add a species.
    • To edit an existing tree, right-click on its summary in the tree tab and choose "Edit tree". The same dialogs pops-up and you can edit the data. If you have already added picture to this tree, you can push the "choose picture" button to choose the picture displayed in the summary of the tree.
  • Adding a species to the list
    OT2 comes with an already long list of pre-entered species but chances are that you will need to add a new species.
    To do that, just click the "Edit menu", choose the "Manage species list" item to get the species dialog.

  • Adding a picture to a tree
    • Right-click on its summary in the tree tab and choose "Add a picture". A dialog will be displayed. To validate it, you must choose a title and choose a file. 
    • Pushing "Choose..." opens a file dialog in the "incoming" directory of you collection folder. If the picture is elsewhere, you can navigate through your hard disk to find it. When you are done, push the "OK" button to validate. 
    • A copy of the file will be then put in the "original"  directory of your collection folder. A resized copy, in the  "images" folder and a small one in the "thumbnails" folder. If the original file was in the "incoming" folder, it will be deleted. This allow you to put all the pictures you intend to insert in the dababase in the "incoming" folder and to see it being cleared progressively when your pictures are inserted. This behaviour can be modified in the preferences.
  • Adding an event to a tree
    • An event is anything that happens to your tree.
    • Right-click on its summary in the tree tab and choose "Add an event". A dialog will be displayed. If the event is something done, check the "mark as done" box. If you don't , this event will be considered as a work to be done.
    • If the event is "rempoting" and if you have some pots referenced in the database, you may choose a free pot to put the tree in from a list.
  • See the history of a tree
    Double-click on a tree summary or right-click on it and choose "See tree history". A new tab in the right part of the main window opens and displays all the events and pictures pertaining to this tree, in chronological order.
  • Backing up the database :
    You just need to copy the collection folder with all the files and folder that are inside.

II More Advanced Features

  • Progressive individualization of tree batch
    • This is a feature implemented for people who grow a lot of seedlings. It allows you to keep the full history of a tree though you first managed it as part of a larger batch.
    • To do it, create your batch of trees, let's say tree A, by "Add a tree" and set the number of trees to the value required.
    • When you want to individualize the tree, let's say tree B, push "Add a tree", select "derivation" as the origin kind. The "origin tree" box gets enabled.Choose the batch (Tree A)as the origin tree. When you push "accept", the number of trees in the first batch will be decreased by the number of trees  you just created.
    • From now, in the history of tree B, you 'll get the history of tree A from its beginning to the creation of tree B, and the history of tree B alone after.
    • You can do it recursively as long as there are more than 2 trees in a batch.
  • Picture management
    • If you right-click on a widget which displays a picture, a pop up menu shows and you may choose "See full sized picture". If you do so, a new tab opens wich displays both the picture and its data. A right-click on the picture opens a menu with three items : "Zoom", "File" and "Data".
    • The "File" item has 4 choices. The difference between "picture" and "original" is that the former is the resized picture and the latter the picture before resizing by OT2
There is probably more to say about OT2.  Just experiment with double-clicksand right-clicks anywhere. There is absolutely no risk to loose data. Please, feel free to aks me any explanation you need, I 'll be more that happy to help you and this will be an occasion to complete this quick start.

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